Ok ok so we will recap over the life story in the coming weeks, however today I felt like harping back to an amazing quote I have up on my wall at home
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we takebut by the moments that take our breath away. -
I share this quote with you today cos I am bloody lucky life is not measured by the number of breaths we take as of late I have been hyperventalating to the maximum. I fear I would have used all my breaths by the end of this week here at fontainebleu.
Fontainebleu ?? I hear you cry - or maybe I didnt but I'm going to tell you anyway, in the north of France not far out from Paris lies this lovely little town known in the climbing world as a bouldering kind of Mecca . . . I may have taken that too far but it's a good place for those who want to risk their breaking of limbs and sweating profusely whilst trying to get to the top of 6m boulders and often higher.
Me ? I clamber, I sweat, I oan, I cry and I've sworn to a number of rock formations this week(I'm hoping the fact that surrounding fellow climbers are speaking french means that I am indeed not livng up to the weegie swearing stereotype; however I've yet to be drunk).
My first experience bouldering outside and I am ashmed to say I have went from a Utter novice (my first day I climbed 6) to a . . . . Kirsty have you even seen a rock before Bad Boulderer.
It's day four, I had hoped for improvement and instead I am enjoying reading my (mums)kindle and chilling out whilst Dougie does all the hard work.
I think holding a kindle in place for such a lengthy time constitutes some kind of very well held yoga position, and no I didn't ask for your feedback on that.
My upside for yesterday was finding porridge, I am goldilocks (however instead of ringlets I am sporting a curly frizz as Dougie pointed out) love porridge so this morning I was happy.
Nights are spent chilling out, watching a parks and recreation and lying under a mosquito mat which is dire and we like to kid on it will be my future wedding dress.
All in all so far I have done very little and actually been cool with not being busy 24/7 as I am at home.
I could, possibly, possibly, possibly (as the rev once said) get used to this.
I shall put up pictures when I can be bothered walking the 2metres over to my camera - life is hard going
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